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Chodesh Adar 2, A Dvar Torah from Rav Yisroel Bloom

The Hidden Miracles: The Unique Significance of Purim

The Midrash Sochar Tov (Mishlei, Parsha 9) distinguishes between Purim and the other Yomim Tovim. It states that in the time of Mashiach, all the holidays will cease except for Purim. The obvious question is: why is Purim unique?

Furthermore, the Gemara in Megillah 6b asks why Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel insists that we celebrate Purim during Adar Sheini. The Gemara answers, "amar Rabbi Tevi, ta'ama d'Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel mismach geulah l'geulah adif - it is preferable to link the redemption of Purim with the redemption of Pesach." The Gemara says that we want to link the Geulah of Purim to Pesach. We know that they are a month apart from each other, but what is the deeper connection between Purim and Pesach?

Imagine one day you were looking through the old belongings of your great-grandparents. You find journals describing their hardships and accomplishments, illustrating how Hashem was present in their lives every day. Through their struggles and achievements, they witnessed the hidden miracles of Hashem on a daily basis. You would be amazed at how they made their lives so meaningful and connected to Hashem.

Purim is the holiday during which one can observe the hidden miracles of Hashem. While on every other Yom Tov we celebrate miracles that are obvious to anyone, on Purim, we come to realize that Hashem is continuously orchestrating events for us, even when they might seem like mere coincidences or chance. We must maintain faith that even during challenging times, Hashem is always watching over us.

Accordingly, the Midrash asserts that when we experience the geulah, we will no longer commemorate our yomim tovim in the same way; rather, we will celebrate the miracle of our current redemption. Purim teaches us this lesson. On other yomim tovim, we celebrate nissim gluyim, open miracles. The Gra explains that Purim teaches us to recognize and appreciate the yad Hashem in times of hester panim. In our long galus, one finds and experiences divine assistance. This lesson endures forever, as the pasuk in Megillas Esther says, "v'zichram lo yasuf mizaram (Esther 9:28)". The Ramban at the end of Parshas Bo says, "Through the great open miracles, one comes to admit the hidden miracles which constitute the foundation of the whole Torah. For no one can have a part in the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu unless he believes that all our words and our events are miraculous in scope, there being no natural or customary way of the world, whether affecting the public or the individual."

This idea explains why we celebrate Purim in Adar Sheini. Purim represents the hidden miracles, while Pesach symbolizes the open miracles. We come to realize how Hashem bestows upon us numerous miracles on a daily basis. When we engage in the study of His precious Torah, participate in teffilah, and perform acts of kindness, we demonstrate how Hashem plays a practical role in our lives. Purim teaches us that throughout our life's journey, we need to recognize how Hashem is always with us in a tangible way.

Rav Yisroel Bloom


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