Matching Gifts ~ Double Your Impact
You can double your support without even giving a dollar more!
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by their employees?
Mevaseret Institutions are subsidiaries of "Gates of Zion" our verified 501c3 non-profit.
Your gift may be eligible for your company's corporate matching program!
Non-profit info: Gates of Zion, IRS EIN: 81-3125165 Teaneck, NJ
STEP 1 Search for your employer in the box "Search for company..."
STEP 2 Complete your company's requirements.
STEP 3 Your company will send a matching donation to us at NO COST TO YOU! Thank you!
FAQ's about matching gift programs
What are employee matching gift programs?
Employee matching gift programs are corporate giving programs in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. It's an easy way to double your gift to us!
How do I request a matching gift?
Requesting a matching gift normally takes 5 minutes! The donor needs to initiate by filling out and submitting a match form provided by your employer. Just use the search function above to find your company information!
How is company information obtained?
We partner with a company called Double the Donation. If you have any questions about this platform, please be in touch! For questions regarding your specific company's programs, please contact your employer's HR or community giving department. Much of the necessary information is also available on your company intranet.
Other questions? email